Well if your coming from facebook you know that this creative duo has become a creative uno. But this should not be too depressing, Franco-san didn’t have the time in his life for this comic and I am all too happy he was honest with me about that. Seeing as I am the only one left I am doing some serious revamping of the comic, it will bear little resemblance to the original idea. I intend to keep the name as Souper!… just super and the main character’s name will remain Tabbitha, but she’ll be getting a boyfriend and will no longer be a super hero. I have just never been into super heros or their stories to run with that idea, instead Tabby and her boyfriend will be Artists who go on wild adventures. This will, if anything, let me vent about some of the ridiculous art history and philosophy I hear daily at school. Additionally I find myself enjoying drawing and painting nature scenery more and more often which the urban super hero scene did no allow for. I will not have the time to tackle this right away as I’d like to do it in color and maybe a different format than a three panel strip, my goal is for September or October so I can work on it over the summer. For now I’d just like to keep you updated somewhat sporadically with the process and have put in a rough character model of the new Tabbitha after this text. I wish to continue to put little bits of work concerning the comic on the blog between now and when I finally put some pages up.


Lastly, and this may seem like the largest change, this will no longer be an English language comic. I no longer live in an anglophone country and cannot accurately promote the comic to an English speaking audience. This should be no problem for one section of our audience and for the rest… there’ll be pictures and I am sure you’ll pick up some french along the way. This will be the last post in english.


Voir en bas de l’image pour la partie en français


Avant de commencer je vous demande un peu de patience car le français n’est pas ma langue maternelle, mais après tout c’est en pratiquant qu’on s’améliore. Franco-san, le scénariste, est partie et je me trouve seul pour continuer le BD. J’ai l’intention de tout changer, ce n’est plus un histoire des super héros mais maintenant des aventures d’un couple de deux artistes qui habitent dans la banlieue parisienne et dès que maintenant ce BD sera en français. Mais, ce prendra de temps, je suis un étudiant et j’ai un job aussi alors je veux mettre les premières pages en ligne vers septembre ou octobre. Entre temps je veux partager avec vous les petites esquisses qui concernent le BD, alors en haut de ce texte on trouve un croquis de Tabbitha, un des personnages principal. C’est tous pour l’instant, je vais faire les mises à jour quand je peux.

